Deadlines are very beneficial for students both in offline and online classroom settings. Having your students turn in their assignments on a specific date helps boost productivity, by preventing students from putting off work until the end of the course. Deadlines can also help you improve your students’ work ethic and time management.
If assignments are a part of your LearnDash courses, the new LearnDash Assignments Deadline add-on can help you implement deadlines for student uploads. This LearnDash add-on enables you to set deadlines for any lesson or topic assignment and provides you the tools to remind your students about upcoming due dates.
LearnDash Assignment Deadline Features
Assignment deadlines
You can enable deadlines for assignment uploads on any specific LearnDash lesson or topic. Deadlines are set to a specific date and time.

Display deadlines on the front-end
You can easily inform your students about the deadline for their assignment by displaying the due date on the front-end, over the assignment upload area. If preferred, you can also hide the due date, by disabling this feature.

On-page notifications
This LearnDash add-on enables you to display on-page notifications to remind your students about upcoming assignment deadlines. You can set how many days before each assignment you want the notification to be displayed.
For example, for simple assignments, you can set notifications one or two days before the due date. For more time-consuming assignments, you can set notifications to be displayed 5 or more days in advance.

Will Assignment Deadlines Benefit Your LearnDash Course?
Keeping focus and avoiding procrastination are common challenges for students. In an online classroom setting, these issues can become even more prevalent. Implementing deadlines motivates your students to complete assignments at the expected pace, rather than putting them off until the course ends. Enforcing deadlines also encourages responsibility, since students aren’t able to submit their work after the due date has passed.
Set Deadlines For LearnDash Assignments
The LearnDash Assignments Deadline add-on allows you to set deadlines for lesson and topic assignments, encouraging your students to remain focused on the course. If you have any questions about this new LearnDash add-on and its features, please let us know in the comments below or contact our LearnDash experts. We’d love to help you resolve any questions you might have.