Are you looking to increase the value of your online courses? Offering verification for your LearnDash certificates is a simple strategy to do just that! Verifiable certificates guarantee the authenticity of a student’s course performance. They also encourage students to share their earned credentials confidently not only with friends and family but employers and other professionals.
The new LearnDash Certificate Verify & Share add-on provides your students with an opportunity to verify their earned certificates and share their achievements.
Here’s how the LearnDash Certificate Verify and Share can upgrade your course certificates.
Verify a LearnDash certificate directly on your site
Yes, you heard right. With this LearnDash add-on, students verify their certificates through a search page added to your site using shortcode. It’s super easy! Just enter the student username along with the relevant course, quiz, or group to access a unique verification results page. This page can be set up to display the qualification or course description, link to the course, recipient name, course name, instructor, and issue date. What’s more, students can present potential employers with a direct link to this certificate verification page, proving the validity of their promoted accreditations.

Share certificates on social media
With the simple click of a button, students can share their certificate, along with a link to its verification page directly to their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts. Making it quick and easy to share their accomplishments with family, friends, and their professional network.

Add certificates to a LinkedIn Profile
Students can take advantage of their verifiable credentials by adding them to the “certifications” section of their LinkedIn profile. Using the LinkedIn button students add their certificates to their accounts and add authenticity and value to any professional profile.
The Value Of Sharing and Verifying Certificates
Elevate the value and reputation of your online courses
Online courses aren’t always taken seriously by potential employers. However, if an employer can verify the online course certificate, they are more likely to consider its legitimacy. Using a LearnDash add-on for verification allows employers or companies to verify relevant data associated with the course.
Increase your students’ sense of achievement
There’s great satisfaction in sharing one’s success with others. Enabling your students to share their certificates is a great way to celebrate their achievements. After a certificate is earned, your students see the social media sharing buttons, embedded within your LearnDash course. Buttons allow them to post earned certificates directly to Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn. As a result, they increase their sense of accomplishment.
Draw attention to your courses through your student’s posts.
Allowing your students to share their course certificates is not only beneficial to them, but also to your business. By giving your students the tools to post course-related content, you can also promote natural growth for your site.
Check out LearnDash Certificate Verify and Share
Are you ready to take your LearnDash certificates to the next level? LearnDash Certificate Verify and Share is the ideal LearnDash add-on to help you get there. If you have any questions about this add-on or its features, don’t hesitate to contact our LearnDash developers for more information.
To expand the functionality of your LearnDash site even more, don’t forget to check out our other LearnDash add-ons which you can purchase individually or as a bundle of several LearnDash add-ons at a discounted price.