Troubled about which web hosting service to pick? Choosing an ideal web hosting service for your WordPress site can be a daunting task, but it is possible when you have a guide as detailed as ours. Here is a list of top 5 WordPress hosting companies… and 30 more!
Web hosting is a vital pillar of a successful WordPress site. Picking the right WordPress hosting for your website can not only enhance your SEO, to give you a better ranking with Google but also gives you an edge over your competitors. We believe, there are three things that you must consider while choosing your web hosting. These factors can directly affect the ranking of your WordPress site. These factors are:
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of WordPress hosting companies out there. In our guide, we will talk about the 5 WordPress hosting companies we rank the highest and recommend you to pick to get the best out of your WordPress hosting. We will also list down another 30 that we think you must consider.
Here are the top 5 WordPress hosting companies we recommend:
Cloudways offers a great balance between affordability and functionality. The service provides their users with a fully managed cloud-based WordPress hosting. They even have a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) cloud servers, which is not only easy to set up and is packed with fantastic features. Furthermore, they provide an infrastructure optimized for speed, performance, and security.
WP Engine:
WP Engine is a web hosting company, exclusively built for WordPress. It provides fully-managed, optimized WordPress hosting with a robust architecture, designed to bring you to speed. This way, if you want your WordPress site to have high security, improved scalability, faster loading time and a superb uptime, WP Engine is the choice for you!
Nestify is also a popular WordPress hosting service. They offer incredible features and also has excellent customer support. Nestify even offers on-page optimization. It is quite a unique feature and makes Nestify even more valuable.
Pressable (starting at $25 per month) is a great choice to keep your site running smoothly and efficiently. Pressable offers many basic managed WordPress hosting features—automatic plug-in updates, daily site backups, malware scanning and removal, and page caching plus a useful collaboration tool and many more. They also provide exceptional support, offers individual attention to all their customers, and provides a free migration service and site cloning, which makes moving to, and developing a site hosted on, Pressable a breeze.
Site Ground is another official WordPress recommended hosting company. It has super fast servers placed strategically at multiple locations to bring their users the best service. It is also the reason SiteGround can get you the best uptime with less page loading time.

Some big names could not make it to OUR top 5, simply because we have personally not had a chance to work with them as we can’t possibly work with all the hosting companies. However, as we promised, here is a list of 30 other WordPress Hosting Companies that have made a good name.

These are our picks for the top WordPress hosting services available for WordPress. If you think we missed any, let us know! We would love to hear your experiences.
1 thought on “Top 5 WordPress Hosting Companies and 30 Others, Compared!”
Fatcow is pretty good as well