5 Tips for Your Multi-Vendor Marketplace Using EDD FES - Wooninjas - The WooCommerce Ninjas

5 Tips for Your Multi-Vendor Marketplace Using EDD FES

Frontend Submission is a feature-packed add-on by EDD team which you can use to turn your digital E-commerce website into a perfect multi-vendor marketplace.

There are several amazing applications for this add-on. You can create a full-blown and self-automated marketplace like Fiverr for example, where the “sellers” can add their gigs and go through an approval process plus the “buyers” can browse through the gigs and contact the sellers. Another idea that comes to mind is a marketplace like Udemy, where “instructors” can create their accounts and upload courses to allow the “students” to browse through these courses and make purchases.

With the FES add-on on your EDD powered site, you can achieve several objectives, like allowing vendors to view orders, allow vendors to create/edit/delete products, give vendors access to their own product dashboard, moderate vendors, moderate uploads, optionally track commissions, and so much more.

1. Vendor Dashboard and Customer Communication

FES add-on lets a user register themselves to become a vendor. After approval, they get complete access to their vendor dashboard. After accessing the dashboard, they can do awesome things like creating new products, update existing products, view order, communicate with customers and edit their account details.

Communication between vendors and customers is a critical component for keeping a marketplace lively and active. Vendors can see comments and questions about their product inside their vendor dashboard. They can also reply to support and pre-sales questions from their dashboard.

For even better communication, you can use EDD Message extension. It lets vendors send email messages to customers directly through the vendor dashboard.

2. Vendor and Product Moderation

For a great marketplace, the products should be of high quality. All great marketplaces have a thoroughgoing process to assure vendors and products to meet adequate standards.

Frontend Submission add-on has a complete review process for new products submission and vendors registrations. This feature will help you to keep your marketplace full of high-quality vendors and products.

3. Email Notifications and Commission Tracking

FES add-on Email notifications feature help site administrators keep informed of new vendor registrations and product submissions.

You can configure what type of information do you want from email notifications. Emails can be sent when products are updated and submitted, vendors registration, commissions are earned and much more.

Vendors that sell products by your marketplace need to be paid. FES add-on is supremely integrated with EDD Commission extension. It will allow store owners to efficiently track and record vendors commission on products sold in the market place. Earnings of the vendor will be available in the vendor dashboard.

You can check out their documentation for the process of paying vendors for their commission earnings.

4. Drag-And-Drop Form Builders

The drag-and-drop form builder is another awesome feature of FES add-on. With drag and drop form builder you can build a form for product submission, vendor registration, and vendor account profiles. It gives site administrators full control above the form fields shown to vendors.

5. Product Reviews and Vendor Feedback

FES add-on is completely integrated with EDD Reviews extension. It allows vendors to effortlessly access to reviews given by customers on their products. The review extension has a feature of providing feedback on vendors. It also gives site administrators valuable insights into how happy customers are with vendors in the marketplace.

Final Thoughts:

Using the EDD FES add-on, the only sky’s the limit. However, going after some of the well established marketplaces like Fiverr or Udemy may not be a good idea to start off. But if you can narrow it down to a niche that you are passionate about, then there is a very high chance that you can dominate that niche and provide an amazing value to your users. Like maybe a course multi-vendor marketplace for musicians to upload their music courses. Let us know in the comments below if you have some other ideas on how to use this add-on. If you need help with customization of your EDD store, we would be very excited to discuss.

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