LearnDash myCRED Addon: What’s New? - WooNinjas

LearnDash myCRED Addon: What’s New?

LearnDash myCRED addon is a magnificent combination between two of the most popular WordPress plugins – LearnDash and myCRED. The addon solves one of the biggest issue faced by eLearning platforms today.

eLearning platforms focus on increasing user acquisition and engagement. Usually, these platforms aim to make learning activities that are meaningful for their audience. This will motivate the audience to invest themselves and learn.

Gamification is an excellent feature for motivating participants. It makes use of the competitive instinct of users and challenges them to achieve their learning objectives.  

The LearnDash myCRED addon is designed to empower their developers into gamifying their WordPress site. It is a concoction of LearnDash – Learning Management System – and myCRED – an adaptive points management system. It delivers the promise of building a broad range of point related applications for your WordPress powered site.

LearnDash myCRED addon offers a magnificent combination of features. These include but are not restricted to:

  • On completion of course/lesson/topic/quiz, you can award the user with “Points”.
  • On completion of course/lesson/topic/quiz, you can award the user with “Badges”.
  • The ability to delete all the credits/points earned by the specific user.
  • The users can earn credits/points multiple times when re-attempting a course/lesson/topic/quiz.

Our ninjas had been busy in the woo-lab cooking up something special for everyone using the LearnDash myCRED addon. They have fixed several bugs in the addon.

More importantly, they have taken all your suggestions into account and introduced amazing features. These features revolve around the redeeming functionality.

We will list some of them here and explain how they can gamify your site.

  • Unlocking Courses Using myCRED Points

LearnDash has the option to allow access to the course if a user has a certain amount of defined points for that course.

However, you will also have users who might have inadequate points in their LearnDash account. And his is where the LearnDash myCRED addon steps in.

It enables your user to unlock courses by cashing in their myCRED points. The feature will make it easier for your users to redeem their points. Furthermore, it will give your site the potential to be constantly engaged.

  • Users Can Redeem Only Remaining Points

This feature of the LearnDash myCRED addon builds upon the point we mentioned above.

By enabling this feature, Learndash points will be used for redeeming any remaining myCRED points. If disabled, all required points will be used from myCRED points.

  • Students Can Unlock Drip Lessons Using myCRED Points

The LearnDash myCRED addon can empower your users to manage content as per their own schedule. Of course, they will be unlocking the feature by cashing in their myCRED points.

LearnDash plugin has a built-in feature of scheduling content. However, your audience does not share the same schedule. To accommodate them, you can now let them un-drip all their lessons.

It will give them the freedom to take the entire course, but at their own availability. A feature like this will prevent users from waiting and pursuing to the next challenge.

  • Option to Buy myCRED Point

This is where the addon really starts to shine!

LearnDash myCred addon enables your users to purchase myCRED points. It will come handy for individuals who have either spent their points or just do not have enough.

In these cases, before they make a purchase, a “Purchase Now” pop up will appear. The pop up will take users to the purchase point page. However, there is one thing to note here. For the feature to work, you need to have BuyCRED addon downloaded and activated.

The ability to purchase points and excel in a field will raise competition among your users. It will motivate them to learn and favours user engagement.

LearnDash myCRED addon gives organizations an edge over their competitors. It enables you to make an environment on your site which is not only nurturing but also engaging. By utilizing concepts of gamification it will create a unique educational experience for your eLearning platforms.

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